The Portuguese Model 1904 Model 1939 Mauser-Vergueiro rifle started out as the Portuguese Model 1904 Mauser-Vergueiro cal 6.5 mm rifle that was developed by Verguerio, a Portuguese Officer. During the late 1930's Portugal adopted the Model 937-A Mauser rifle chambered in the 8mm Mauser cartridge. Portugal then converted most of the stocks of the Model 1904 rifle by shortening the barrel and fore-end, modifying the front sights, and reboring and rechambering the rifle to shoot the 7.92x57mm (8mm Mauser) cartridge. The 1903/39 bolt is a true oddity to be found in a Mauser rifle as it is a Mannlicher type bolt and not a typical 98 style bolt. Some of the features of the bolt are dual-opposed forward locking lugs, a separate bolt head, and no bolt sleeve. The 1903/39 bolt is one of the most complex to disassemble and reassemble.