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Surplus Rifle!

Movie Downloads

Reblueing a Milsurp Rifle - 100k Version - 16 minute video!
Windows Media Video, 100k, 12.1meg Download

Cleaning the SKS Carbine - 100k Version - 28 minute video!
Windows Media Video, 100k, 21.3 meg Download

Disassembling & Reassembling - M1 Carbine - 7:14 Minute video!
Windows Media Video, 100k, 5.27 meg Download

Disassembling & Reassembling the M1 Garand
Windows Media Video, 100k, 12.4 meg Download

Disassembling and Reassembling the Mosin-Nagant Rifle Bolt
Windows Media Video, 100k, 6.6 meg Download

Disassembling & Reassembling the SKS Carbine
Windows Media Video, 100k, 9.9 meg Download

Disassembling & Reassembling the Swedish Mauser Bolt
Windows Media Video, 100k, 7.7 meg Download

Copyright 2003, 2004 © Jamie Mangrum

All material on web pages under the domains Surplusrifle.com, surpluspistol.com, or surplusfirearm.com,  unless otherwise stated, are the property of Jamie Mangrum. These materials are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Information received through this website may be displayed, reformatted, and printed for your personal, noncommercial use only. You may not reproduce or retransmit the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of Jamie Mangrum with the following exception only:

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 Adobe PDF File Downloads

New - Surplusrifle.com Targets
Target # 1 JPG Graphic Version

Target # 1 Adobe PDF Version

Target # 2 JPG Graphic Version

Target # 2 Adobe PDF Version

Surplusrifle.com Adobe PDF Standard Reloading Log Sheet
Surplusrifle.com Adobe PDF Cast Bullet Reloading Log Sheet
Czech BRNO Vz24 Short Rifle
Rifle disassembly-reassembly
Enfield No. 4 Rifle
No. 4 Mk 2 Range Report

No. 4 rifle disassembly and reassembly

No. 4 bolt disassembly and reassembly
FAL Rifle
FAL field  disassembly reassembly
Saive Automatique, Fabrique Nationale (SAFN) Model 1949 Range Report

FN-49 Bolt Disassembly & Reassembly

FN-49 Rifle Disassembly & Reassembly
French MAS 36
MAS 36 rifle/bolt disassembly and reassembly
Japanese Arisaka Type 38
Arisaka Type 38 rifle disassembly/reassembly

Arisaka Type 38 bolt disassembly/reassembly
Japanese Arisaka Type 99
Arisaka rifle disassembly/reassembly

Arisaka bolt disassembly/reassembly
Madsen m47 Rifle
Madsen rifle disassembly/reassembly

Madsen bolt disassembly/reassembly
Mauser Rifles
Swedish rifle disassembly/reassembly

Swedish bolt disassembly/reassembly

Scoping the Yugo M-48

Mauser bolt disassembly/reassembly

Mauser 98k disassembly/reassembly

Mauser 98k Ammunition

Mauser 98k History

Mauser 98k Operations

Mauser 98k Specifications

Yugo m48 rifle disassembly/reassembly

Yugo m48 Ammunition

Yugo m48 History

Yugo m48 Operations

Yugo m48 Specifications
Mosin-Nagant Rifles and Carbines
Finnish m/28 Disassembly & Reassembly - ALL NEW 2004

Finnish m/28 Specifications - ALL NEW 2004

Finnish m/28 Operations - ALL NEW 2004

Finnish m/28 History - ALL NEW 2004

Finnish m/28 Ammunition - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin Carbine Disassembly & Reassembly - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin Carbine Specifications - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin Carbine Operations - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin Carbine History - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin Carbine Ammunition - ALL NEW 2004

Russian Mosin Nagant 1891/30 Rifle Disassembly & Reassembly - ALL NEW 2004

Russian Mosin Nagant 1891/30 Rifle History - ALL NEW 2004

Russian Mosin Nagant 1891/30 Rifle Specifications - ALL NEW 2004

Russian Mosin Nagant 1891/30 Rifle Operations - ALL NEW 2004

Russian Mosin Nagant 1891/30 Rifle Ammunition - ALL NEW 2004

Mosin-Nagant bolt disassembly/reassembly - ALL NEW 2004

Nagant m1895 Pistol

m1895 Nagant Pistol disassembly and reassembly

m1895 Nagant Pistol Ammunition

m1895 Nagant Pistol History

m1895 Nagant Pistol Operations

m1895 Nagant Pistol Specifications
Romanian 1969 .22 Trainer
Romanian 1969 Trainer bolt disassembly/reassembly

Swiss K-31

K-31 Rifle disassembly and reassembly

K-31 Bolt disassembly and reassembly

SKS Carbine

Father: The Russian SKS - a Range Report

Quick Detach SKS Side Mounted Scope Mount

Improving the Trigger on the SKS Carbin

SKS - Williams "Firesights"

ATI Fiberforce Stock Install

Install a Windage Adjustable SKS Rear Sight

Removing the grenade sight from the Yugo 59/66

Adjusting the sights on the SKS

SKS disassembly/reassembly

SKS bolt disassembly/reassembly

Cleaning an SKS

Mounting a Scope on the SKS Rifle

Replacement:10 Round Magazine & Rubber Recoil Pad
SMLE rifle disassembly and reassembly

SMLE bolt disassembly and reassembly
Steyr-Mannlicher m95/34 Carbine
Resizing 7.62x54r Brass to 8x56r

m95 disassembly and reassembly

m95 bolt disassembly and reassembly
Tokarev SVT-40
Tokarev SVT-40 disassembly/reassembly
U.S. M14/M1A
M14/M1A Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly

M14/M1A History

M14/M1A Specifications

M14/M1A Ammunition

M14/M1A Operations
U.S. M1 Carbine
M1 Carbine bolt disassembly/reassembly

M1 Carbine disassembly/reassembly

U.S. M1 Garand

M1 Garand bolt disassembly and reassembly

M1 Garand rifle disassembly and reassembly

U.S. Model 03A3

03A3 rifle disassembly/reassembly

03A3 bolt disassembly/reassembly

U.S. Model 1903

1903 rifle disassembly/reassembly

1903 bolt disassembly/reassembly
U.S. Model 1917
Bolt disassembly-reassembly

Rifle disassembly-reassembly